
Alice (1999) - student in graphic design at les Arènes (Toulouse), I show a particular attraction for book design and illustration.
I express my sensitivity through sign systems and the layout of my compositions. I like to work on committed themes that I approach with a poetic tone.
I enjoy the transformation stages of each project I do and the raw images.

contact 𓆏
+33 7 71 65 35 16
Toulouse - Palma de Mallorca
Design & conception of the site : Alice Bécognée Wahnich
Experiences :
2019 - internship at the cultural center Casa Planas (Palma de Mallorca)
and serigraphy with Carles Garcia O'Dowd
2016 - Internship at the museum Joan MirĂł (Palma de Mallorca)

Education :
MANAA - Grade in Applied Arts ,
DNMADE ENT - National Diploma of Art and Design in Publishing and Transmedia Narration
DSAA DG - Superior Diploma of Applied Arts in Graphic Design
all of them at the Lycée des Arènes in Toulouse :)

Workshops :
* 2022
Workshop with Studio Vif “Parade” - initiation to mask and costume making

* 2021
Workshop with Hélène Morisot - realization of a painting stop-motion animation

* 2020 Workshop with Nicolas Delbourg, - book design “Workshop Karaoké”

* 2018
Workshop avec Étienne Cliquet, - Poster-research session “Session poster / / Ordigami”